Sod Installation Services

When it comes to properly preparing the land and installing the sod, what better person to have, than the sod farmer.

Sod farmers and landscapers are not an apples-to-apples comparison. Sod farmers are experts in the field of turf management. Growing an elite premium turf requires knowledge and know how regarding sod farming operations to include soil types, seed blends specific to the region, correct fertilizing, and other treatments along with proper watering techniques when required. Sod farmers are skilled from cradle to grave regarding bare dirt to acres of a beautiful turf crop along with maintaining the crop.

Because the sod farmer is the expert for his specific turf crop, we are able to foresee and mitigate any potential issues on your property that might create an issue for the sod. When you invest in a Clegg & Sons’ Farms lawn, our goal is not only for the homeowner to have a beautiful, lush, and thriving yard but also the education directly from the sod farmer regarding keeping it that way.

Education is part of our service.

Our goal is for the homeowner to be comfortable maintaining their lawn themselves, which in return, will save future dollars regarding paying for outside lawn services. It is important for our customer to receive simple and direct instructions for maintaining their lawn. This aids in cumbersome and confusing decisions about what products to lay down on the lawn and when. The sod farmer has a long-term goal of ensuring your yard looks and meets your expectations for years to come.

When it comes to long term success of having a beautiful yard, we don’t just lay your sod and then part ways. We ensure the customer receives instructions and guidance regarding necessary treatments along with what to do and when. Our goal is for your yard to maintain sod quality appearance and health.

So why choose Clegg & Sons’ Farms?

We recognize you have many options when it comes to your yard. By working directly with the sod farm, not only are you able to visit the farm and become familiar with our processes and see the sod on the field prior to harvesting and delivery to your property but you also receive the firsthand education from the sod grower directly.

Anyone can lay sod down, but was it done correctly?

There are lots of resources online that provide instructions that are not necessarily correct. There are a lot of factors because no two yards are alike such as soil condition, time of year, region, etc. The sod farmer and his team know precisely how to grow the crop and maintain the sod. Sod farmers are skilled in soil chemistry, proper grading of the land to include the necessary drainage along with overall soil preparation necessities required specific for their sod crop. When we arrive at your property, we will examine a variety of factors if present, that could inhibit the sod and collaborate with the customer to develop a personalized solution.

Give us a call at 1-800-377-1421 and let’s get your new lawn installed and the yard of your dreams.

Clegg & Sons’ Farms, LLC provides in-house direct financing for sod installation services. You can learn more at the following link: In-House Financing